Exit stage left

By NessD

The Good Life

In breaking news, we have an allotment! I'm not sure why I'm so excited when I:

(a) hate gardening
(b) have managed to kill any house plants I've ever had
(c) have arthritis.

But I am. Apparently, I'm only needed for moral support. We're not getting charged for this year as it needs a "bit" of work so I suspect moral support may be synonymous with hard manual labour. And my cries of total ignorance of all things green fingers are being ignored after I immediately identified the apple tree, (black?)currant bushes and rhubarb that were left behind by the previous tenants. D'oh! If the labels are right we have loganberries too. And there's the hope of raspberry vines....

A nice end to a manic day. Up at 7, drive for 5 + hours, mad first run through of the show (hard enough anyway with all the scene changes but we have costumes early for this one so were trying to manage that too). And in the middle of all that frantic phone calls to my mobile. "I can't answer, I'm in a quick change". "Oh sod it they're ringing again, they know I'm in a rehearsal!" And then the penny dropped. We'd been in a bit of a rush to get away on Friday so we could get past Oxford before the traffic got to bad. Things were getting a bit tetchy. Slightly raised voices about whether we should overlock the front door and why didn't I have that key on my car keys. Cue running back to get K's car keys to do it. And then, you guessed it, frantically posting them through the letter box.

But of course the phone signal at the rehearsal venue is appalling so several failed attempts to make contact. And by the time I did get through I'd already worked it out so simply said "they're on the doormat". I'd already missed one scene change by this point but my response that I'd deal with it when I got to a suitable gap in rehearsal wasn't especially well received.

B&E was being contemplated. Which, as I helpfully, pointed out would have been overkill when we could have just called the agency's weekend number. Luckily, the random key I'd found in the detritus at the bottom of my handbag on Saturday (and left there obviously) was THE missing key so all danger and police arrest were averted.

And breathe.


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