
And the moral of this tale is, only go swimming in the rain if you can cope with struggling a damp body into damp clothes in the rain on damp sand. Still, it was a challenge and all worth it to feel the exhilaration of jumping the waves in a bouncy sea with the highest tide I’ve ever seen at Porty and no one else mad enough to be in with us.
At the end there was the luxury of a heated car, a hot drink and a run home. Thank you, Sue!

The rain and mist eventually stopped and at least the world dried out- it will take longer for my swimming apparel. It meant that I could walk to the hairdresser for a trim in bright, dry conditions but unaware that because some schools go back tomorrow there were others, teachers and pupils presumably, also in the queue.
Back home I’m watching the grass turn green again in front of my eyes. The resident rabbits will be happy if the ferret hasn’t managed to cull them.

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