The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

White Lie

Dear O'H dear & Lovely Tea Jenny,

Basher is away at the moment so I was heading to St Boswells for a night with Lovely Shuvly. Earlier in the day…

LS: “It’s hot down here”

It had cooled down to 19°C in Edinburgh so I wasn’t too concerned.

LS: “It’s going to be about 25°C”

Me: “Ugh, how is that even possible”…(looks up Met office)…”wait a minute…It says 30°C”

Me: *Insert all the swear words*

LS (p1ssing herself laughing): “Yeah I was trying to make it better for you”

Me: “Telling me it’s cooler doesn’t actually make it cooler. IT’S JUST A LIE!”

LS: “It will be Pimms o’clock when you arrive with oodles of ice and cucumber ”

And it was. We had a great night - we went for dinner with Lovely Shuvly’s dad and then sat up drinking gin in the garden. It was midnight and we were crying with laughter and then It was 4 am and we were still crying with laughter.

I think the strength of a friendship is directly proportional to the speed of time*.


*and gin might help!

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