Rain at Sainsbury's

Today I was due at Oxford for more blood tests at the centre and the girls came with me for the ride. We saw Sharon at the Centre today. I'd missed her last time I went but she's always there. She's been there always, and at one time was the Directors Secretary. She always cheers me up and she even went and had a quick chat with Carol and Zizi in the car which was nice of her.

Once business was concluded we went for an Oxford City drive thru which resulted in me getting lost and we ended up coming via Bicester. Then is was mum's briefly, then Sainsbury, and then the vets to pick up Merlots steroids. Fingers crossed that they help with his unexplained weight loss. Home then and I had a snooze in the chair (saw Nicky from opposite). Then Mel the Social worker rang re a DoLs assessment which she will carry out next week. C in bed and asleep by 5, and Merlot crying cos it's raining.

Totally tatered today. Thanks for calling in.


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