Sunday evening sonata
You know, I don't think I've ever quite gotten the hang of weekends. I rarely plan anything unless other folks are involved and I mostly end up making a sudden decision to go off on some jaunt somewhere around about Saturday lunchtime.
That just seems to be the way I roll. When it comes to my personal life, forward planning isn't really a strong suit. Whether that's good, bad or indifferent I couldn't really say, although I will admit that it makes for a complication or two when planning holidays.
And yet...I inevitably end up working with people who seem to feel they have to breezily interrogate me on my weekend schedules. (They are of course, assuming I actually have a life outside the office and don't just kip under me desk). If it's a Friday and an estimable colleague asks me something I've had folks asking me for yeeeears, namely "anything nice planned for the weekend, Cameron?", what is the correct answer to that question? More than likely I'll end up feeling put on the spot, judged, for not being able to answer "yes, I'm going water-skiing, and then I'm hosting a dinner party for 60 people, oh, and then's there my circus acrobatics night class..."
You know, maybe I actually should take up tightrope walking and water-skiing...then I wouldn't have this problem, would I? Hmmmm......
Sometimes the urge to say "no, I thought I'd try something horrible this weekend, just for a change" almost - but not quite - gets the better of me...
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