Loud and Demanding

Three baby Sparrows were crying loudly for food; the parents picked out sunflower seeds, cracked them, and then broke the seed into smaller pieces to feed the babies as fast as possible. Bird parents work very hard to provide food for their babies. Earlier, a Flicker parent was diligently feeding her demanding twins; these babies are about 10 times bigger than the Sparrow babies. It seems late in the season for all these new birds. See the extra for a very sad Sparrow; I think he is feeling neglected.

We saw a herd of Elk during a car ride today; we took a load of bricks and rusted items to the landfill. We tried to find someone who wanted the bricks, but we had no luck. I hate filling the dump with more stuff. The herd of Elk had several bucks, many does, and more babies than I have seen in the past. This is the third herd we have seen with lots of babies. The herds will be really big this next year!

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