Birthday Girl

We had a nice time with B today. My stepdaughter turned 20 a few days ago. (Sincerely not possible... 20... still trying to wrap my head around it.) We had to wait for her birthday celebration, though she had a good reason for the delay... finals week... She is finishing her second year at the University of Michigan. It seems to be going incredibly well for her. She just claimed a double major and is on track to finish in 2 more years. I'm not surprised, as that kid always excels at what ever she sets her mind to. One of her majors will be french and she is going to be studying abroad in France this summer. She sort of bubbles over with excitement at the mere mention of it. (I can't blame her, I'm totally jealous!)

I asked her if I could blip her today, she kindly agreed. So we had a mini photo session. Done deal, blip complete!

Now, this evening... she almost got bumped... We had a mature bald eagle fishing on our lake. We ran down to the dock and enjoyed the show! He was magnificent! He was also just a bit too far for my 300mm lens and it was just a bit to dim for a sketchy decent ISO/shutter speed. Bummer. All of the images were too soft and would require too much cropping. So, B it is. Shhh, don't tell her she almost lost out to a giant bird...

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