I got the best of the day on my walk with Django, as the sky cleared for an hour or so before gradually clouding over again. As I passed the football ground, I saw that the floodlights were on: not in error, but because they were working on them. I also spotted the line of kit hanging out to dry.
Back home, the laundry theme continued, as I put through two loads and our back-log was finally cleared! My meeting with the Head of School yesterday led to a request from him for information. I responded, and then sent him an email of friendly advice. He's new to the School, and I'm his longest-serving active member of academic staff, so he took it well.
A came back after lunch: her back had been better in the morning, but it stiffened up at work. After a relaxing afternoon - technically I'm on leave - we ate and I looked forward to an evening's athletics.
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