It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco


This, I've just found out this is a "Turnip Sawfly"
What a gorgeous little creature it is. Orange and black striped legs and it's so cute!!!
I decided to put together a new diffuser which arrived yesterday.
I am always on the lookout for new macro equipment etc. 
Some of  you may have heard of it already  "Pope Diffuser" It came from Slovakia. 
I did order it on 3rd July and only just got it and I was beginning to think I wouldnt get it especially as the post office strike was just starting. 
Anyway it must have been done on a 3D printer so the screw threads are a bit iffy, and the rivets fell out! However I am an engineers daughter and I won't be beaten with things I want to work. I got everything together in the end,  although there are 3 different types of diffusion shields.
1. White plastic
2. Packing Foam (clearish)
3. Packing Foam + white plastic shield.
I've tried the foam and white plastic combo which is good but it needs to be a bright day, and I've tried the White plastic shield and that, this evening worked well. 
I bought the rings which will allow the Raynox to fit on. The website and what parts to order are VERY confusing. 
Overall, apart from the slightly cowboy-ish way it's put together I am happy with it. The little start up company needs to make some improvements to speed of order taking and delivery but I did message Lukas a few times and I got a prompt and polite reply and in my book that's grand! 
Politeness makes the world go round. 
If anyone else has one of these Id like to hear about your thoughts on it.
Extra's are the Pope Diffuser and parts of it.


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