Chasing mummy

3years 190 days

It may seem quite an uninspiring picture- a quick iPhone snap on the way to nursery. However, it represents two exciting moments of the morning: firstly, Katie said today "mummy what time are we going to nursery, I like nursery". She's been a happy girl at nursery the whole time she's been there, but this is a big step forward in terms of her morning conversations about going.

The second thing the photo represents is mummy's exciting moment. I submitted my London marathon 2014 entry at 630 this morning! I ran it in 2008 and had a place to run New York 2009 but put it on hold to have m'lady. I'm warming up with the inaugural York Marathon in October, hoping it will be a mid point in my London training. I've been chattering about a return to distance running. So I am cracking on with it.

In a similar thread, this weekend we signed Katie up for her first running event. She's doing the local 2km fun run in two weeks time and is very excited!

Last week, I started doing a "tell me three things about today" as "what did you do at nursery" never really illicited a response. Its working well!

Katie's Three Things:
We did letters and sounds
We played running outside
We ate rice and vegetables for dinner but didnt like the purple beans (kidney beans)

Bonus Thing
Nursery asked me to tidy up the dolls house but I only did a bit cos we wanted to make a stage.

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