Power Poo

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

This is me watching YouTube projected onto the wall, with Punky in the foreground at about 5am. 

This was at the start of another busy day. Ellie and me have taken to talking to each other really fast. With no punctuation because we only have LIMITED TIME to get through stuff before our next meeting.

"Okay so I have to go soon because I need to poo before my next meeting," said Ellie, oversharing.

I kept telling her to for god's sake GO for a poo. I didn't like the idea of things shuffling around back there while we talked.

But no. She needed to make her point. She clenched and she spoke her piece.

"You only have ONE MINUTE before your next meeting!" I insisted.

"I can make it. I'm a power pooer. Thank you coffee," she replied.

I told this with Caro who had a driving lesson scheduled later that day. I heard her head upstairs to meet her instructor. 

But before she left the house she yelled down the stairs. "I managed to squeeze one out! Power poo!" 

I know such talented women.


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