Meanwhile in New Zealand

The bag has been dusted and things are starting to go onto the spare bed. So far in my case I have some (eco) glitter and pink birthday candles; a dress with foxes and badgers on (from Will) and a Greek myths sticker book (from Barry)!  The excitement is building and Esme has announced that for her birthday she wants to go to the zoo (as far as I remember it has a porcupine, meerkats and pigs) and eat cake that has cream and jam in the middle!  We can do that. 
The weather there is currently terrible. Takaka has had a month's rain in 15 Hours and it was still lashing this morning when we spoke. Bridges have been swept away, landslips and flooding are abundant and people are being evacuated.  They are currently waterlogged but okay.  Indoor playtime involved making smoothies and cheese scones!

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