Oh what a nightmare

Flight due to depart yesterday at 6pm. Sat on the plane until 10.30 as engineers came to try and detect a fault. Taken off the plane eventually and given a hotel room at midnight (we were lucky as we got the lovely Sofitel in the airport while other were sent miles away). Went to check in this morning for our new flight at 1.30. Total chaos as we had yesterday’s boarding cards, the information desk has been closed indefinitely and we were told to look for a man in a white shirt who may help!! Finally got to board the new flight which was delayed for 2 hours and when we got to Geneva one bag was missing I shall never go to Heathrow or travel British Airways again. Finally at my daughter’s lovely house drinking a Very large G&T. Final insult, my son in law who was due to collect us from the airport got a text from BA saying last night that we had taken off at 8pm so he had a wasted trip to the airport as we were still on the plane.

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