Rufus in bed

Rufus has a hammock over the stairs as his own private bedroom where no other cat goes and no one ever touches him. He's spent quite a bit of time in there today. The Surolan the vet gave me for his sore shoulder doesn't seem to be doing the trick and I think we will need to go back.

I had a rough night, with a headache that kept me awake for a couple of hours from 5.30 am despite paracetamol, then an upset tummy. So I didn't get to take Evie home, because I couldn't face the car journey, and Neil took her on his own.

I miss her already. We're hoping she'll be back in October.

Meanwhile, we found orange powder in front of one of our settees. It's the one that use to be in the conservatory and it has been got at by the sun, and the foam cushions are leaking orange dust onto the floor. After I put two bin bags over the cushions and did a fair bit of hoovering, order was restored. I really wasn't in the mood for that today. 

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