Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104


A damp drizzly day with some rain, but still not enough. 
Did some cutting back and deadheading in the garden and these honesty seedpods were ready to be hacked down. Since they live under a tree they were still quite dry, so I harvested some seeds and removed all the brown outer skins, leaving these pretty seed casings. I love the papery feel of it and the shimmer they seems to have. 

Since it was my Mum's birthday today,  I went round to watch the Men's all around gymnastics with her. Joe Fraser won gold, which was quite apt as my present to Mum this year was a ticket to go to the World Gymnastics Championships in Liverpool later this year. Should be good as it's going to be the Men's Team Finals Day we've got tickets for. She was thrilled. 

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