Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze


We'd booked tickets to visit Cezanne's workshop this afternoon. It's just one room and so you need to book in advance. 

A fairly relaxed morning in our room and terrace,  but a bit of jumping the gun by my assistant tutor on my next course, which I luckily picked up in an email,  meant unnecessary work this morning to help him put things right with Cambridge.  This meant I didn't have any breakfast,  only coffee.  

We walked to Cezanne's workshop stopping for a drink on the way -  hot again today!  

We arrived,  hot and a bit puggled (Scottish word). I always find it inspirational to stand in the space of an artist's workspace and today was no exception.  I don't know how many of his famous pieces he produced here in his life from 1902 to 1906 but no matter.  Beautiful room,  not big,  bathed in light, overlooking the garden and with some personal objects in place.  He apparently never lived here, but walked back and forward into the heart of Aix every day to his house there.  I commented to Bb that his walk would have been very different to the one we did today,  cars whizzing by while we walked on a very narrow pavement.  We were sometimes not sure if we were going the right way,  such were the signs.  

We're now sitting on the same place as yesterday,  blipping.  I'm starving,  having had no breakfast and we're about to order something small to keep us going.  We've still got cheese and bought a baguette as well as some hummus, felafels and spinach pastries to enjoy on the terrace tonight.

Last,  but definitely not least, it was lovely to have a chat with my brother Busboy today. It's his birthday.  He's 7 years younger than me,  so...... 21 again :-)  

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