Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Minimalistic Abstract

At least it's minimal compared to my usual abstracts, but maybe I should have used fewer blocks.  Original is in the extra.  I had fun painting the background and blocks in PS Elements and adding the Craquelure filter for texture.  It looks better in gallery view, if you want to take a look.  Many thanks to Ingeborg for keeping Abstract Thursdays going!

I was obviously having brain fog yesterday when I posted my Flower Friday blip on Wednesday.  I read what I wrote and I mentioned school starting and going to the pool, so I knew it was Wednesday.  The new statin medicine that I started taking 2 weeks ago can cause "cognitive" side effects.  I'll be paying attention now to make sure that was a one-time thing!

I am grateful that I know what day it is today! ;-)

Thank you for all your visits and stars and hearts on my recent blips.  I really appreciate all of them! xx

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