Day trip to Edinburgh

After a week in the wilds of north west Scotland we thought nice to have a trip to the big city and take in the Fringe Fun!

Drove to the park and ride and then The tram to St Andrew Square. Stopped off in a coffee shop called Low Down in George Street for excellent coffee and croissant. Bought some coffee for home use and then off we went to the Royal Mile. the sun was shining and it was warm! Stopped at a few of the street acts and stopped for a while at Paddy Potato and remembered watching him with Cameron and Ben a few years ago.

Time for lunch and we got a seat outdoors on Victoria Terrace at Hamams.

Next walk after lunch was off to the Meadows area and then another coffee stop there and listened to a young girl playing the violin.

We went to the Craft fair at the west end and bought a couple of things. Some are very samey but such clever people with hand made stuff.

As we walked to the tram stop to get back to the park and ride one was drawing up in the distance so we sprinted (me not so much) and got in at the Nick of time.

A lovely day out, it wasn’t too crowded.

Was knackered in the evening.

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