M For Matchless

And also for Motorcycle.

A rather fine example of a Matchless Motorcycle from the 1940s. My father owned a similar machine during WW2. 

I understand that he managed to have two accidents while riding his Matchless and ended up in hospital having metal parts inserted into his leg.

He always insisted that I should never have a motorcycle as I was even crazier that him.

He might have been right as I managed to pitch myself over my three wheeler at the age of five and my bicycle at the age of eleven.

Anyway I never bought a motorcycle. I did ride as a pillion passenger on a couple of extremely fast motorcycles. Quite thrilling.

Motorcycles have become very fast judging by the way that they overtake me on the shortest of straights.

Our road is on some sort of unofficial motorcycle circuit. The speed limit varies from 40 to 50 mph.

However timing riders over a set distance results in speeds well into 3 figures!

As far as I am aware their have been no accidents on our road, however there have been quite a number of fatalities elsewhere.

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