This filled me with awe

All my life I loved Rhadiccio ( and Italy for that matter!)
This year for the first time I found seeds in a store here in Florence , Oregon. I put them in the ground in early spring, maybe March? Don watered them in the hot house until I came back from Europe the first of June . I then planted them at various spots in the garden and admired their strong green leaves as they grew. They just didn’t want to turn into little red balls. Hard to describe my surprise, when I harvested the first today. Long strong roots at the bottom and such a beauty inside! The perfect Rhadiccio!!
I created a very tasty meal for dinner, by steaming them with bellpeppers and zucchini with lots of cheese on top.
Combined with our own fried potatoes:-)

Third pottery class today. It is very hard to get such a pot centered on the wheel; I had totally forgotten…

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