Bone dry

I haven't been on a big long walk for ages because Ann has been busy with work it really cuts into her doing nothingness time, her summer fitness plan it's not working, socialising it's good to be back to normal, and of course the recent hot weather has limited how far I've been going on my walks.

Today we walked for more than 6 miles but just look how dry the grass is. It would only take one person to drop a match or cigarette end and the whole hill would be ablaze.

It's absolutely pouring with rain now (6pm) but it's going to take a lot of rain to re-saturate the land. Everywhere is bone dry. In fact when I jumped into the burn today, the water only came up to my ankles. I tried lying down in it but my tummy hardly even got wet.

Ann had an email from South West Water (because our other home is in Cornwall) to say that there is a hose pipe ban coming into effect. It's not that bad in Edinburgh yet, but as we don't even own a hose pipe that shouldn't affect us.

My human loves hot weather and she is very sensible re taking me out when it's mega hot, but she was really upset the other day to see a photo on FB of a dog friendly beach in Cornwall where all the humans were having a lovely time sunbathing in their bikinis with their dogs lying beside them patting in the heat. Honestly, it's soooooo cruel!!! They think they're the best dog owners in the world because they take their pooches on holiday with them and then they make them traipse around the crowded streets where the pavements are too hot for our paws and then make us lie for hours on end on a beach where the temperatures are pushing 30C? I bet they wouldn't want to sunbathe wearing a fur coat. #justsaying

OK rant over!

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