Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

This roof is across the street from my flat. We had had some rain overnight but the sun was shining by the time I had to leave for work and the light was bouncing back at me.
I have already learned that flat roofs are supposed to drain more quickly than this one obviously does, and the technical term for those puddles is “ponding”.
I spent all day redesigning the complicated flat roof I went to visit on Monday, with precious little guidance. By the end of the day I had a drawing showing adequate falls to get the water to disperse better than it does at the moment. My next task will be to feed all the dimensions into the very clever calculator that will tell us whether or not my design provides adequate insulation and is within budget.
The entire process; including drawing up the survey, designing the roof, making all the calculations and correcting the design so that it does what it ought and stays within budget is supposed to take four hours. Oddly, the time allocated remains the same regardless of the size or complexity of the roof.

This evening I have found larvae in the water beneath my houseplants, so obviously I shall need to pay attention to ponding there as well.

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