We're Number Two!

Okay, I could have phrased that better. 

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

I have had a reasonable week. I feel like I'm digging my way out from under a pile of work and finally see light at the end of the tunnel.

Reason 1 is that a completely ridiculous deadline had actually been pulled FORWARD from impossible to WTAF. But I see this as a positive. Jess has tacitly given us permission to just bog something up and I'm running with that. So by the end of next week the thing will be done (badly) and we can all move on with our lives. 

Box checked.

Reason 2 is that I did actually put two fairly hefty pieces of work to bed this week. Well, pretty much. And I didn't even do the thing badly this time. That's just my work for Team Jess. 

Soz Jess.

Oooh, in fact I got feedback this week from Philippa the South African Lady, regarding the work I have been doing for Team Ellie:

So grateful for the incredible work Symon is doing with our team... blahblahblahmeowmeowmeow.. Symon has been integral to solving this problem. His expertise is like none other.

Eh? Eh?!? Effing INTEGRAL.

Smock can GTF*

There is still a metric f*ck-tonne of stuff to be done next week, but I'm feeling a lot better and less stressy about things. And this was aided by blowing off some steam at a work quiz this evening.

Jefe and Manda and Briar and Jess joined Caro and I for 8 rounds of trivia against over 20 other teams AND CAME IN SECOND.

There was even a tie-break question which I had to get up and answer while a large portion of the crowd chanted my name. I almost felt sorry for the other bloke who no-one gave a sh*t about. 

But no actually eff him. 


I got the question, but this still put us just in second place. However, Jefe (who is SUPER-competitive) was still very happy with it. Caro also enjoyed herself I think. All night long colleagues were coming over to PEER at her. "We've heard all about YOU," they kept saying.



* I know it has been over two years. I am still bitter.

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