
Quiet day today. Johnny went to help a friend with preparing for hunting season. I was glad to have a peaceful day. Joy is, in large part, a choice. I don’t mean happiness. That comes and goes. Joy is deeper and it can survive deep sorrow. It’s not always an easy choice. Today is Evangeline’s birthday. She was born 8 years ago today. There is sorrow bc she’s not here. I won’t pretend. But joy is also here: The joy in knowing where she is and the assurance of going also! This joy is up for grabs. I try to grab it with both hands everyday! There is so much beauty around us. This brings joy. Also, others are hurting. Loss is so hard. 2 precious women came out today , for different reasons. Both have had recent loss and are struggling. I’m reminded that we all have struggles. To be able to relate to and maybe encourage others, brings joy from sorrow. I am humbly grateful.
Be blessed! xx

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