David Bowie Is

I went to the V&A today to see the David Bowie Is exhibition, as I am a member there was no need to book, it was really great, I was given a headset that knew where I was at any given time and played the appropriate audio so all I had to do was put it on. Lots of stage outfits, original lyrics, set designs and photographs, as well as video, in the main room there were massive screens playing differnt performances, it was like being at a gig, very cleverly put together, I would reccomend it, photography was not allowed but I took this one outside the gift shop.

After lunch in their stunning cafe I went to another exhibition - Treasures of the Royal Courts, 'The V&A reveals the majesty of the courts of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I to Ivan the Terrible and the early Romanovs in a major exhibition celebrating 500 years of exchange between Britain and Russia. Comprising more than 150 objects, from royal portraits, jewellery and luxury goods to processional armour and heraldry, Treasures of the Royal Courts chronicles the close relationship between the English monarchy and the Russian Tsars.'

This was very interesting to me as I go to Russia so often, in fact I am going tonight!
I'm flying to Chelyabinsk via Moscow for a show tomorrow night.

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