New Moaner Diet!
This 'New Moaner 'pneumonia diet is brilliant! The weight just falls off, although I wouldn't recommend it either!
I have decided that there are more important things in life than trying to be the size, shape and weight you think everyone else thinks you should be. Life is about little treats and being happy. If a glass of wine or a little bit of chocolate makes you happy, then have it.
If, god for bid, you have a little poorly spell, then the weight will go!!! It was there for a reason - for reserves!!!!
I'm not saying one should go mad and eat crap for England, but enjoy a little treat if you fancy it, especially if it makes you feel better!
Thank god I had enough of my wits about me to crop this picture before posting it, otherwise you would have seen a very nasty reflection in the glass scales!!! Crikey, how would I have ever shown my self portrait face again on blip!!!!!
Can you tell I'm feeling a bit better today???!!!
PS its getting a bit close to starting the May HeartFreek Photo Challenge and Im wondering if Im going to manage it? Should I give it a go or wait till next month???
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