Rose Cluster

And all on one stem! It belongs to one of the old floribunda roses in my garden. I don't know how old the plant is, but it was here when we moved here 19years ago.  As with everything in my garden, it does take a chance on living or not. 

Early start today as drove over to South Molton to the Indoor Market again, this time to collect and pay for a new wooden bird table, which is locally made, and very reasonably priced. Popped into Tesco on the way home for a few bits I had forgotten. and home for breakfast.

I hadn't been home very long when Sue dropped in with elevenses, and made the coffee while I finished on the computer. 

This afternoon not long after 2pm I had a panic phone call from my 96 year old neighbour who was in trouble. Bless her, she fell a few weeks back and broke her shoulder. She is getting a twice daily care visit but carer doesn't come again until 8pm, and her usual call for help people were busy so she called me. Filled her glass of water and made a very weak cup of tea, and helped her into a cardigan Poor love, she had taken her pain killers, and is due to take the next lot  around 4pm.

I must say I consider myself very lucky that I am in pretty good health, and long may that continue. 

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