Tsivlos Lake, spooky trees

The owner of the house where we are staying recommended swimming in Tsivlos lake but when we came up here a couple of weeks ago, we’d left it too late in the day to swim. Today, we timed it a bit better, arriving around midday.

Charlie and I made our way down the slope to the waterside and stepped into the shallows. After just two or three feet, the floor dropped away quite dramatically, facilitating a dive into the cool water.

I’m not sure there wasn’t a lake here originally but it has certainly been artificially flooded at some point, as evidenced by the dead trees with their uppermost branches peeping above the water’s surface.

Visibility was, I reckon, around fifteen feet, so I could see the trunk disappearing down into the depths. I could also see the branches stretching out underneath me, which was decidedly spooky and I beat a hasty retreat!

Charlie heads back home tomorrow, and we decided to have our farewell evening meal at Nikki's, just along from the house where we're staying. We sat at the far site of the terrace, overlooking the lights of the village below.

And that turned out to be a fortuitous place to sit, as it gave us a ringside seat to a huge electrical storm at the eastern end of the gulf. It was silent - at least from the distance we were at - but we could see it lighting the clouds like massive lanterns. I've never seen anything like it before.

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