Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Breakfast with alstroemeria

Beautiful white alstroemeria on the breakfast tables this morning.

A busy day, packing and cleaning.  With a visitation from a friend of the buyers to check that we weren't leaving large amounts of rubbish at the property.  We were able to show her largely empty sheds and garages, though the garden room was still full of "stuff". 

After she had gone we had lunch sitting on boxes surrounded by all our bits.  Then a trip to the tip with the last of the rubbish, and more cleaning.  We were able to borrow a ladder from our neighbour and retrieve the picture in the stairwell.

Tomorrow our neighbour's son will collect the fridge and dishwasher, which will enable me to do the last bit of cleaning, whilst W performs a miracle and gets all the stuff into the car.

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