Buon Viaggio!

After a couple of hours sleep I was wide awake and waiting for the girls to get up. They left for Stanstead at 4.30 and I tried to get back to sleep, eventually dozing off at about 6.
I watched their progress on the flight app and then followed their journey on ‘Find My Friends’ until they arrived at the apartment on the Amalfi Coast. We’ve been sharing videos and photos on the mums group and it looks amazing. I’m sure they’ll have a fabulous time. I wonder what it must have been like for my parents when I went to Majorca with my friends aged 17 and they had to wait for me to find a public phone box to be able to call home and tell them I was ok.
D and I walked down to the brewery this evening. Poppy’s friend Mae’s family were there so it was great to chat and share our anxieties about the girls being away. There were 3 metal bands playing which were VERY LOUD!! My ears are still ringing!

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