Windmill 'De Grauwe Beer', Beesel

'Grauw' = 'ghrauw' = 'grey', but grey is also 'grijs' ('ghrice').  'Grauw' is more like colourless grey.
'Beer' = 'beyr' = 'bear', as in the animal... or bearing a burden.
There is a cafe in the mill with chairs and tables outside as well, and there was a flag hanging at half mast, and a lot of cars in the parking area on the dunes (the Maas is behind me, the same Maas that winds its way up to Rotterdam and which Maastricht is named after), so I think there was a funeral earlier in the afternoon and this was the coffee afterwards.  Or maybe that is just my imagination?

At home, gaming, hand-washed laundry, kitchen duties, and I finished the genealogy info.  It will be a busy week ahead -- work (who would have thought!?), a hearing, a dental appointment (least of my worries), housekeeping, bookkeeping.  In the meantime, tomorrow will be an exciting day, weather permitting.

You're all having a good weekend, I trust.  Thank you for visiting!

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