
By dunkyc

Finding Pokemon

I woke up exhausted and promptly knew that we wouldn’t be venturing too far afield today.

The wee ones seemed happy about this too, but the with the weather being not quite as inclement as first thought, I resolved to at least get them out in the fresh air.

Pokemon have recently found favour in our house once more. The Youngest has many a trading card (which I do not understand at all) and the collection was recently added to along with an encyclopaedia of Pokemon, by my mother. Joining the dots, I downloaded the Pokemon Go app which via the medium of augmented reality enables you to go out into the wild (or…outdoors) and capture Pokemon for yourself.

I think it’s quite old now, but it was certainly new to my two as they ran off with my phone, excitedly firing Pokeballs (rude) at various creatures. The excitement reached fever pitch when Pikachu was located down one of the many Kendal ginnels. 

With excitement reaching fever pitch, we went to the calming Maude’s Meadow which has a lovely wildflower display at its heart, which gave me the opportunity for today’s blip.

That was a very nice couple of hours wiled away before I must confess to falling into a deep sleep in front of the telly in the afternoon. We were later joined by my parents once more for a chippy tea and a chance to catch up in the evening.

A much-needed lazy day. The Eldest should be making her return later today!

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