
By cakescakescakes

Cheer'em up Chocolate Cake....

....I think a bigger one was required!
Monday done. Been a very long and grumbly sort of day with lots of interruptions. Managed to get quite a lot done but in a very disjointed and unsatisfying sort of way; still at least a few things knocked off the list!
On a positive note the dogs got their walk; of course. And our timing was good as we avoided the worst of the rain. The postman also brought a cheque just as I was heading out the door to go to town to do the other banking; so that saves another trip. I even sort of managed the wages and the PAYE for the month; I think. This new reporting system is just so confusing :-(
The rest of the day was just blah! Cakes, however, were made. Chocolate for boy cheering purposes and an extra banana and choc chip cake for emergencies; the way the day is going it might get used earlier than I expected!
Still, tomorrow is another day and one day closer to the weekend!

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