River of Flowers

By doffy

Sunday: Free Spirit

When I get up every morning I look out through the upstairs windows. This morning I noticed 2 lots of flowers on the black-leaved elderflower not easy to see on the photo, flowers usually in May/June - remainder of tree full of berries which the birds have started eating. Weather has been so erratic that I’m not surprised the tree is “doing its own thing” …!
In addition to elderberries, the birds have 2 types of cotoneaster berries, hawthorn, rose hips and a few Rowan berries.
MrD cut the grass this morning, the clippings are spread under the trees where the bird feeder with sunflower hearts hangs - this provides a nice covering for the ground, the birds love scratching about in it and I think lots of insects live in it and under it. I also throw all the apple cores and peelings from the Bramley apple windfalls which I’m using straight away and freezing some for winter.
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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