
By Legacy

A Special Gift

Cardinals in colored pencils commissioned by Rob and sent to me from Indiana. 
 The artist is a dear friend who is one of the most creative and talented people I know.  For years she has worked with ceramics making some amazing and beautiful pieces.   As Rob tells the story, one day recently she decided to see if she could do feathers in colored pencil and without much fanfare she did a beautiful portrait of an owl.  When Rob saw that he asked if she would do a cardinal for me and this is the result. 

I can pretty much guarantee that if I said "gee, I think I'll try drawing feathers with my spiffy new colored pencils", the end result would be a complete mess.   One of these days, though, I may just give it a try -- perhaps I'll try a kingfisher or a robin.  I'll let you know how they turn out, maybe.  

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