Back On The Train Gang

On This Day In History
1485: Battle of Bosworth Field

Quote Of The Day
"King Richard fell in the field, struck by many mortal wounds, as a bold and most valiant prince."
(John Russell, Bishop of Lincoln, the Crowland Chronicle.)

Happy to return to work today, and there was lots of good news; pupils can now be seated according to however the teacher wishes and are free to move to different seats if different groupings are required - this makes differentiated learning so much easier as children in different ability groups can now sit together; children can now sit together on the carpet for whole class instruction. As well as a new laptop computer which I knew I would receive, I also received a new desktop computer; that was very welcome because my old desktop was very slow and frequently interfered with effective teaching. So now I am very excited about teaching my new Year Four class.

I finished reading The Count Of Monte Cristo at the weekend. I thoroughly enjoyed that. Now I have a new book for the commute. I have not seen the Amy Adams film of The Arrival  but, judging from the short stories I have read so far in this anthology, I probably will. I love Amy Adams.

Battle of Bosworth

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