The problem with resting - sleeping in my case - is that whilst you’re doing that, you’re not drinking, so dehydration sets in - along with a headache, dry throat and cough.

Mr. HCB has been “chivvying” me to drink more and whilst my taste buds aren’t that discerning, our ordinary tap water was a little harsh so I’ve been drinking bottled water.

I slept the clock round and didn’t wake until after 1 o’clock today but felt able to walk downstairs on my own for the first time since last Wednesday, which is good, so I’m getting there.

We have both tested again today - I am still testing positive but thankfully, Mr HCB is still negative and he feels well so maybe he will escape the dreaded virus.

Thank you for all your kind comments and get well wishes, which are very much appreciated. I think I’m turning the corner - watch this space!

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