0804 to Leeds


"What do you do for a living?"
"I'm a Lawyer"
"Oh wow, do you know anything about photo copyright infringement?"
"Um, not really, why?"
"Oh...just in case some big fashion label decides to steal my photos without asking me."

I work in the part of town where there is a high concentration of solicitors and lawyers, so I guess it was only a matter of time until I captured one.

Meet Naomi. She was kind enough to pose for me today and I was somewhat surprised when she mentioned her occupation, especially as she's been working as one for some time - she looks really young. Maybe it's just my perception of how lawyers are meant to look!

The snippet of the conversation here has some relevance to the original 'Humans' page (HONY) who recently had his photos stolen and used in a DKNY store in Bangkok.

Very unlikely to happen to my photos but it was worth asking right? :)

Humans of Leeds

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