New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Cameron the second

Its our wedding anniversay today!  We were both working but went to go get some Tapas in the evening.  That meant grabbing the bus into Hamilton for me today.  

Back in 2014, Hamilton hosted 'Ready Steady Gallop' which was an art trial of Clydesdale horse scupltures who hung about and were eventually auctioned off for charity.  They raised over £60k, and the two most popular horses were recreated and permanently set up in the town.  This is Cameron 2 and the traffic cone wasn't part of the original design, but is truly a part of local tradition.  I particularly love how the colour of the cone matches his uniform.  He greeted me out of the bus station today and I thought he deserved the blip.

Food was pretty good at Tinto Tapas, though I just realised that we didn't get a piece of homemade tablet which was promised with the hot drinks...1 star Tripadvisor review, totally ruined!

Only kidding, we'll be back.

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