
By Poppy

Homeward bound

Sunset through the ferry window.  Settled on the ferry for the long journey home. I have had a lovely time with Lady Findhorn, she looks after me so well, even makes me sandwiches for my travels! We have sat in the sun with our glasses of wine, browsed the charity shops, walked around the Meadows, been out for coffee and chatted away non-stop! There is so much to talk about!

This morning we fought our way through the heaving masses of Edinburgh tourists and festival goers to the bus station, me dogging LadyF's footsteps as she nimbly wove between folk cussing and swearing the while! One last hug and I was on my way. 

The bus arrived early in Aberdeen and I was able to secure my favourite spot in the ferry lounge. Enough space to lie down and sleep in a quiet corner. The crossing takes six hours so being comfortable is a high priority. With my sandwiches and a small bottle of red wine, a newspaper and my knitting, I had everything I needed! We docked at 11pm and Mike and Lottie were there to meet me! Lovely to see them both again. By midnight we were home. Twelve hours door to door! 

It's been a super holiday. So many wonderful memories. But it's good to be home!

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