
By sas05


funny ole day yesterday ..we had jules come round ..hes flew in from thailand , here for a week then fly back out to canada.. what this boy aint done aint worth doing..traveled the world. hes a ice road trucker ..he has even met alex debonoski off he series ......but hes an uncanny knack of turning up during a crisis...yesterdays crisis was provided by alisons dad having a bad turn and having the 999 taxi service to the NHS hotel california for a wee stay..tuff ole day for the family ... bless him he has all but given up and shuffled into gods waiting room...sad to see us human wither of age.
todays events were a trip up to london to take part in a compulsory course for commercial drivers provided by transport for went something like this...this is a egg....suck it.... patronising stuff. Really aimed at the wrong people..The message was about pushbikes and collision avoidance with heavy goods vehicles..which usually happen when trucks turn left and cyclists go on the inside of them ..usually (mostly ) the truck driver is doing everything correctly indicating .. maneuvering to negotiate round the corner. so in my humble opinion ,, cyclist education about trucks blindspots and maneuvering characteristics when going round corners would solve many problems,, but no,, we have to be treated like children in a classroom then taken on pushbikes and given a cycling proficiency course aimed at 9 year olds by two rather over enthusiastic women .....ummmm "this is a pushbike"..."you may not have ridden one of these in years" ummmmm..or grrrrr in my case. !! sorry but for the main we just arsed about ... this is stuff we all macdoanlds drivers take our jobs seriously and this was like being patted on the head..still waiting for me wollipop as well.. whadda rip !!

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