tempus fugit

By ceridwen


Yes they are coming thick and fast and however hard I look there always seems to be one that gets away.
These are from Russian cucumber seeds I bought in Georgia, or maybe seeded from them.

The Russian for cucumber is огурец (ogurets) but the 'o' is typically pronounced as an 'a'.
It's a Russian characteristic to use dimininutives for names of people and things, although the diminutive is often longer than the original  eg Vanya becomes Vanechka, Sasha -Sashenka, Masha - Mashenka, and so on. 

My father, in his early childhood in Ukraine,  on first learning to use a potty, looked down at his small turds and delightedly announced "Agurchiki!" (= little cucumbers).
The terminology persisted in my own infancy. I think it's a real word in Russian. Some of these pictured fit the bill but two at least have reached a more, er - adult, size.

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