It’s just rubbish

this was just one bin near Waverley station at 8am….it’s one of the better ones, as huge heaps of rubbish pile up around ‘festival city’ as the waste collectors’ strike continues…having rejected a 5% offer. 

Sorry to say it but while inflation is making almost everyone’s financial life difficult, there is rampant greed going on in some quarters who are shamelessly trying to turn some situations to their advantage. Rather than recognising huge pay settlements are just impossible to deliver across the public sector, without massive knock-on effects elsewhere, there’s some short-sighted and aggressive behaviours which make the rest of us in the public sector ashamed…I’m ‘lucky’ to have got 2%, we’ve had below inflation ‘rises’ for several years, but there’s a balance to be found between fair pay and affordability unless you raise taxes, which that gaspingly and graspingly moronic Truss either doesn’t get, or doesn’t care about, because it’s all about looking after number 1 and their privileged minority pals. Hateful, just hateful people running the UK just now….and myopic, tub-thumping nationalism without real economic stability solution either!

Sorry, rant over…can you tell I had to spend almost all day with patronising Cabinet Office folk? I’ll get me coat….

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