New House!

We had a site visit booked for the new house today at 10. I was really excited as it will be the 1st time we had seen it since buying it back in December. I could have had a baby in that time!!!!

Its also the 1st time we actually got to see the size of the garden. Something I have been dying to do! I was slightly bigger than I was expecting which is great.

The electrics will be wired in tomorrow. The kitchen is nearly in. The bathrooms  are done. The flooring was going in while we were there and the underlay is in upstairs. They have put the media plate in the wrong place in the sitting room but said they would deal with that. They hope to have it all done by mid September then need 2 weeks to complete the legal stuff. Its looking super tight for our planned trip to pick up the Pottery equipment on 28th September but fingers crossed it all works out ok.

The best part for me apart from seeing the garden was seeing how close to the woodland we were out the front so the deer will be really close. Im not sure if thats a good thing or not but I can't wait to be in now!

Once we had finished meeting the site manager we went to the cinema to see Fishermans Friend. Loved all the Cornish sites and the music. 

Then we went to Hilliers Garden Centre in Hailsham where we are buying my Studio. We double checked the size and finalised the order so we knew how much more money to find. We will order it next Saturday. 

We then went to Lady Lindas to collect Bella. Shes been there since Saturday. I left Mr W there as he will be taking Lady Linda up to Kendal for her mothers funeral. Ill see him again on Saturday.

So a busy, busy day but super exciting. 

Thank you all for your lovely messages on yesterdays Birthday blip. I shall get round to thanking you all personally soon!!!! 

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