Love like Zander

I got this T-shirt today.  Zander was a nephew of our daughter-in-law.  He was one of the kindest sweetest little boys I ever knew.  He was born with spina bifida and endured many health problems in his life and had to use a walker to get around.  That didn't stop him, though, and he worked hard in school, church, therapy, making friends, and playing with cousins. He passed away unexpectedly in April of this year at the age of 7.

On his birthday, his parents did a service project in his honor, making birthday baskets for displaced families, and a goodie basket for the children's hospital, as well as decorating his grave.

This T-shirt was part of the service project.  His favorite superhero was Spiderman, as you might have guessed.  He is now our favorite superhero.

The extras are pictures of Zander.

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