I love this time of year in my garden. Up to now, it has been pretty much the birds who live in my garden, nest there, and bring up their babies.
But yesterday the garden was absolutely full of hundreds of sparrows. Then whole flocks of pied wagtails, bluetits, greattits and more of that family all descended into my garden. And were having a fine old time, swirling and dancing in the air, and eating insects from the trees and my vegetable garden.
The dunnocks and sparrows were also eating the comfrey leaves and my kale, pecking pieces out of the leaves. They have been doing this for awhile, and now both comfrey and kale leaves are pecked full of holes.
I was out there watching and feeling them fly all around me. The air was full of all these small birds, so full of joy and life. It was beautiful.
Creative is my garage door in Laboscope, and the greenery is my pecked into holes kale, and the tendrils of the peas and beans...
I had a sleepless night last night, fell asleep at dawn, so by the time I woke up after 4 hours of sleep, the poor cats and Midnight were waiting in a queue outside the door for breakfast this morning....
Midnight gave me some extra loving.
I am very late this morning
Cuppa tea now...
Have your best day.
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