Home Grown

We have almost finished the blueberries from the three bushes we got last year. Now the tomatoes are on their ripening time and there are loads. I don’t even eat them now due to the Gerds stuff last year. Maybe I could introduce gradually….

Last shift on the trolley at PRI. Sandra my partner is leaving to live in Ireland and there is no one to team up with me. It’s fine as I had an e Mail asking to go back to the Vaccines when the autumn booster for the over 75s starts in September so prefer this anyway. (Less rules). Sandra and I were like the blind leading the blind with the trolley - trying to use the scanning machine, working out what ward we were in and trying to see the price list in the smallest print imaginable when the patients as how much an item is lol!! We had a laugh though. But there was a hairy moment yesterday when this poor soul asked me to get her purse from the locker (no 1 rule is you don’t touch their purse/wallet which I ignore but always make sure Sandra sees me handing it over or taking out the cash). Imagine saying to the patient sorry I can’t touch your money. Anyway, the locker was behind a machine with tubes and a bag of plasma being dropped into her vein with a blind (not curtains here) slap bang against the plasma machine/locker and I had to step and slide in which I did but was really scared would trip and pull out the stuff and she would convulse or whatever. As I was in this position she then said in her wheezy breathless voice that the purse was in the bag at the other side :)! Then The nurse appears saying Mary get that mask on you need your oxygen to breathe…..

Anyway, we made 40 odd quid on that selling spree. Most of them want a newspaper. I had no idea ‘newspapers’ were so expensive. One lady asked for a paper that talked of political stuff and I suggested that the ‘best’ of the lot we had was the i Paper not really knowing if that was true or not as never bought it but the others were the red tops. Then she rejected that and wanted the bloody Daily Express - right wing royalty obsessed facist garbage but I didn’t say that of course….

Tesco, mum’s then home for a chill out (indoors as the weather was awful).

It feels like summer is over :(

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