In your face

A busy day. We had already planned to visit P and the girls for coffee this morning, so called in to feed the kitties on the way. They were happy to see us and enjoyed their food. Amber watched from afar, behind the glass door and wasn’t impressed. Hobbs just sat and looked at her, totally unconcerned. 

Amber was in her element when we got to P’s. Lottie and Pippa were delightful, very chilled out and looking really old ladies. Amber ran round the garden like an award winning athlete / little game hunter looking for small animals!!! We enjoyed our coffee, cake and chat.

We then called in to buy bird seed from the local suppliers and found that they have opened their coffee shop at long last. It was planned pre covid, so there have been massive delays. There is an outdoor area with a large pond and loads of ducks, birds etc.  Two of them were very pushy and demanded my attention. We didn’t have coffee this time as we were already full, but will do next time.

We then headed back to R’s to feed the kitties again. I pruned a rose bush whilst we were there and a couple of little jobs. 

Home in time for the food delivery, we have to be fed as well as everyone else!!! 

R is on her way home now so she will be back in charge soon!!!

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