New bridge

This is the access track to Bray Clough a regular local walk to the moorland in the Peak District West of Kinder Scout.

A super new bridge just in time for people with guns to shoot Grouse.

Anyway, it will be used by many unarmed walkers so that is good as the old  railway sleepers were decades old and disintegrating.

We saw Sparrowhawk up close.  Kestrel on a wall (failed photo with camera switched OFF).

Good numbers of Swallows and House Martins with low level passes by some of the Martins.

Absolutely worn out jittery mess before the walk and just worn out after so it did help. Talked to GP on phone but no idea what I said to him now.

Much better later and enjoying the old Rupert Davies Maigret series on TalkingPicturesTV channel

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