River of Flowers

By doffy

Wednesday: Runner Beans

Woken up at 2:30am by very heavy rain, again a few hours later - the garden has had a good watering, I’m sure today’s runner beans have grown overnight!
MrD on deliveries all day, very busy before the Bank Holiday weekend.
Many Bramley cooking apples brought down by the heavy rain too - must do something with them tomorrow as they are not keeping well once they’ve fallen from their tree :-((
My pots of leek seedlings have done exceptionally well this year, I’m hatching a plan to make a bed for them near the path by the sheds, need to persuade MrD to move some of last winter’s leaf mould if it’s dry tomorrow. Forgive my excitement about leek seedlings but I rarely have plants for transplanting as the slugs & snails seem to find them irresistible …
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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